Saturday, August 2, 2014

My remedy for sensitive Sneezing, Runny & Stuffy Nose (Part 1)

Sensitive runny and stuffy nose are the nasal symptoms that I've always been plagued with. I had been consulting a lot of nasal specialist, try a lot of medicines, did nasal laser surgery treatment and etc........anyway my runny and stuffy nose problem still with me. Normally my stuffy nose problem happens at the night time before I am going to sleep (it is really a nightmare to get your nose blocked when you want to have a quality sleep) while my runny nose happens at the day time when I awake from my sweet dream.

Traditional Chinese Medicine's View
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine's theory, weak lung and the "intrusion of chill" to human body are the factors of causing all these nasal symptoms. Sneezing, runny & stuffy nose are the reaction of body to fend off the chill from the body. Due to the active of lung meridian (named 肺经 in mandarin) at 3 am till 5 am, most of the sneezing and runny nose issues will be happened during the morning period. To reduce all these nasal symptoms, first of all, we need to find a way to reduce "the level of chill enters into our body". According to the research, the meridian on the leg is one of the main entry point for the chill. To reduce all these nasal symptoms, please, always wear a long pant when you are staying in the air-conditioning environment or under cold weather  (To reduce the chill enter into your body through the meridian on the legs). Understand that many ladies love to wear skirt (some even with short skirt) in the air-conditioning office or some people love to wear short pants when enjoying their air-conditioning night sleep, but, please, please, don't do that especially for those who are suffering the nasal problem! Always try to to wear a long pant when you stay in a cold environment. I have tried this way for some time, yes, it works for me ....My nasal allergy medicine is no more in use as usual. When you are having the same nasal symptoms like me, keep using the nasal spray or having the allergic medicine as usual which can bring you the side effect, why not just have a try on this simple preventive step ? ;)

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