Saturday, September 26, 2015

我与狗狗股骨头切除手术的艰辛经历 (二) 之手术后照顾



后来我想到用纸皮。我为狗狗下面铺上纸皮,特定的时间便和家人合力用纸皮拖它去旁边的草堆,好让它小便。开始时它很不习惯,就算拖它到草堆,它也不肯大小便,大便也忍了三天,并不时在趴的地方附近小便,弄到我们需要不时帮它抹干净,尿味也奇臭无比。。。。。。。。后来大约训练了两个星期左右,它才慢慢习惯被我们拖出去草堆大小便。后来我们索性定时三人合力抬它到草堆大小便。狗狗手术后的第四个星期,由于食物中毒,令到事情雪上加霜。由于它还是不能起身行走,可是却不时肚泻,不时乱叫和乱大便,就算半夜三更也不例外 。。。。。。后来我去兽医为它买药才解决。

当中的过程也不是想像中简单。我说过,由于我狗狗有50kg以上,每一次需要多人合力才能拖或抬它去定时大小便。而且狗狗因为手术后疼痛,加上不能起 身行走,情绪暴躁。我,我妈和女佣就分别在帮它的过程中被咬伤了好几次(就算为狗狗套上口罩,也同样难逃一劫),并看医生打针消毒。。。。。。也因为这样, 我家中其它的人对它非常抗拒,不太愿意再帮忙,而且也因为这件事不时埋怨和吵架。后来只剩下我们三个被它咬的愿意坚持帮它。就算被它咬的伤还没好,我任然坚持每天定时抬它去大小便和抹身。当中过程不但幸苦,而且还得提心吊胆,不时想办法防止再次被它咬伤。也因为每天需要抬它去排泄,我手和腰也扭伤了多次。这时候,我才真真体会到为什么人家常说,养狗真的需要爱心和责任感



我与狗狗股骨头切除手术的艰辛经历 (一) 之手术

今年五月,我像以往般的为我家狗狗冲凉。结果它不小心在滑地上摔下,痛得它呱呱大叫,右后腿弄伤了,不能行走。原以为只是普通的弄伤,过一会儿就会像以往般很快没事了,可是到了隔天早上,它自己勉强去大小便后,便趴在一旁不能再起身走动了。我发现它后脚肿起。我知道这次事态严重,便带它去见兽医。兽医帮它麻醉昏迷后便为它照了X-ray。结果发现它狗狗右后腿脱臼了,需要动手术。兽医说狗脱臼了,不能再放回原位。由于狗爱动,臼位不能固定,就算放回原位很快又会再脱出来。兽医说大马没有髋关节置换手术(Hip Replacement)(我第一个感觉是:是真的吗?大马兽医技术真的如此落后吗?),所以建议它做股骨切除手术。当时我很慌张,对股骨切除手术根本不了解。那兽医兽医也是做了些简单的讲解,说股骨切除后,狗狗受伤的后脚会依靠再生的肌肉支撑,形成“假关节”。他说狗狗需要大约6个星期的康复期。当时我已经六神无主,考虑一阵子后便让他为狗狗进行手术。手术后,我看见狗狗右后腿边的毛已剃光,而且有一条很长的缝针痕。兽医说,两星期后需要回来拆线。兽医也叮嘱我要定时为它吃止痛药和抗生素。手术加上药物,用上了千多令吉。过后我便把狗狗载回家。原以为狗狗的事情很快就会结束,想不到噩梦才真真开始。。。。。。。

什么是股骨头切除术 - Femoral head ostectomy (FHO) ?






Saturday, October 18, 2014

My Japan Trip - Osaka part

After two days hanging around the Kyoto, finally we came to Osaka. The first place we visited in Osaka was Osaka Castle. Osaka Castle is on the historical castle which surrounded by secondary citadels, gates, turrets, impressive stone walls and moats. The opening time for the castle is from 9am-5pm. You need to pay entrance fee for entering the castle. I had bought the Osaka two days pass earlier at the station tourist counter, so the entrance fee was covered.

Osaka Castle

You may enjoy the picturesque view of Osaka at the top of the Osaka Castle

At night, we visited to Den-den town which is known for its many shops which specialized in furniture, tools, and "otaku" interests such as electronics, animation, manga, and collectibles. If you are a video games and comics, yes, Den-den town is the place for you ^_^

Den-den Town


The next day morning, we came to Kuromon-Ichiba. It is a 600 meter-long market with 170 stalls which offers fish, fruits, vegetables and other foodstuffs. You may buy some Japan foods at this market as souvenirs.

Toriyaki is one of the most famous food in Japan
This one I like to eat ^o^
Tsukentaku Tower

It is very famous shopping street. If you are a fashion lover, this place will be your favorite.

This tax free shop is just nearby which you can get a lot of tax free products. However, please remember to get back your tax at another special counter !

Universal Studio

This is our last destination in Osaka. We took 1 day to hang around at this area. Even though we came on Thursday, the place was still full of people. I suggest you should buy an express ticket in order to save the time for long queue.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

My Japan Trip - Kyoto part

In the starting of September, I experienced one of the most roller-coaster feeling in my life. From sudden change in my working life, my family members illness suddenly became worst till passed away and etc. Luckily The God had prepared a trip for me to temporary clear away my moody life. Yes, it was Japan trip which I had planned few months ago.

In this Japan trip, my target destination were Kyoto and Osaka.

Kyoto is a historical city. It has a lot of tourism places especially temples. Due to time limitation, I merely able to pay a visit to Fushimi Inari Shrine, Arashiyama and Kyoto Tower. 

Fushimi Inari Shrine

The road outside the temple

Use the water to change your luck ^^

If you are traveling by using a bus, you may need to check and planned your bus schedule properly as you may need to take some time to wait for the bus to come.


The Togetsukyo Bridge is Arashiyama's well known, central landmark. Many small shops, restaurants and other attractions are found nearby, including Tenryuji Temple, Arashiyama's famous bamboo groves and pleasure boats that are available for rent on the river. The scene at here is indeed beautiful, I love it much :))


Kyoto Tower 

The shops in Kyoto close early. Normally around 6pm - 8 pm, most of the shops have been closed. Same to Kyoto tower, around 8 pm, it will be closed.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

My experience of eye bag surgery

I have posted this eye bag surgery experience in mandarin version before. Since I have converted my blog to English version and I did found this was one of my useful experience, so I decided to re-write this experience in English Version.

I have eye bags and dark eye circles since i was young. I feel ugly and no confidence. I tried all sorts of cream and all sorts of treatments or methods but it didn’t work. What made me feel disgusted was, my friends kept asking me the same stupid question - "Waa ~~~ your eye bag and dark circle very obvious hor~~~ not enough sleep ar ?". For me, this was really sarcastic question, indeed, I tried to maintain a good sleep but it didn't work. Eventually, I forced to wear the color glasses just for covered my eye area.

After doing further research on eye bag, I decided to do eye bag removal surgery. I tried to target some of the legal and qualified plastic surgeon from MAPACS websites (Malaysian Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Craniomaxillofacial Surgeons). I had consulted few plastic surgeons. Finally, I decided to trust one of the doctor in Klang area. He explained to me that he would remove the fat from cut which was inside the eyelid so that there would be no wound/scar. Since I was still young and there would not be excessive skin, so he would not remove extra skin. I booked a time with the plastic surgeon to perform my eye bag surgery.

The day before my eye bag surgery, I felt very scared because this was my first surgery in my life, some more it was at my eye area. Any way, at the end I pluck up the courage to went for my eye bag surgery. The plastic surgeon injected something on my arm before the surgery started. I was in half conscious when the surgery performing. However, I felt painless and didn't had much feeling during the surgery. The surgery took around 1 hour. When I woke up, I was in another room. My face was still in numb at that moment. The plastic surgeon said that I might need to take around 2-3 weeks to get my wound recovered. He gave me some medicine and some cream to apply. 2-3 days, I already almost fully recovered. 

Below are some of pictures for the fat which the plastic surgeon removed from my eye bag:

I done my eye bag surgery on 2006. 8 years later, many people still asking me the common questions - "Is there any side effect ?", "Will the eye bag come back". Honestly, there isn't much side effect and my eye bags still do not come back after 8 years. The only thing that I concern is, the skin at my previous eye bags area has become thinner and the "tear ditch" appear. If the eyes getting tired, it will easily get influences and become dark circle. Eye bag surgery not much help on dark circle, indeed you should consult the doctor to apply the filler on the removed eye bag area after the eye bag surgery in order to help on reducing the dark circle.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

My remedy for sensitive Sneezing, Runny & Stuffy Nose (Part 3)


In my previous post - My remedy for sensitive Sneezing, Runny & Stuffy Nose (Part 2), I have highlighted some of the preventive steps that you need to take note for preventing or reducing the sensitive nasal sympthoms. However, what can we do if those sensitive nasal symptoms are happening now ? Drink apple cider

I love to use apple cider because it is a pretty simple way and normally get instant effect.

  • Pour some apple cider on the cup. (If you are having a stuffy/blocked nose, you may use the aroma of the apple cider to unblock your nose as well.)

  • Put some some water and mixed with it. After that, just drink it. You will get the relief on your nasal symptoms after few minutes later ;)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Puffy eyes ? Tired and fatigue eyes ? Intraocular pressure ? Try this way !

Puffy eyes, tired or fatigue eyes and Intraocular pressure (IOP) are the most common eyes problem that we are facing nowadays. Many of us love to use the cosmetic products for puffy eyes, drink coffee for tired eyes or consult doctor for Intraocular pressure problem. If you do not have any idea what is puffy eye or Intraocular pressure, please get the description at below, I am not going to explain deeply what is it about.

Puffy Eye
Periorbital puffiness, also known as "puffy eyes" or swelling around the eyes, refers to the appearance of swelling in the tissues around the eyes, called the orbits. It is almost exclusively caused by fluid buildup around the eyes, or periorbital edema.

Intraocular pressure
Intraocular pressure (IOP) is the fluid pressure inside the eye. Tonometry is the method eye care professionals use to determine this. IOP is an important aspect in the evaluation of patients at risk from glaucoma.

What's Traditional Chinese Medicine said ?
Many eyes problems normally caused by poor blood circulation. As a result, many "garbage and precipitate" unable to remove from the eyes areas through the blood vessel on time. It leads us to the eye symptoms like dark eye circle, puffy eye, tired eye and so on.

Leg Tai Yang Baldder Meridian is one of the most important meridian for human body. Disharmony of Leg Tai Yang Baldder Meridian can cause symptoms such as difficult urination, incontinence, painful eyes, runny nose, nose bleeding and nasal congestion. Eye problems, pain in the head, neck, back, groin and buttock areas indicate disharmony in the Bladder Meridian pathway. Here, I am going to share how can we massage three acupuncture points - Jing Ming (精明穴), Pu Can (仆参穴) and Shen Mai (申脉穴) on the Leg Tai Yang Bladder Meridian as circled blue in below picture, and get an instant effect on relieving your eyes problems !

How to massage ?
Use your fingers to massage Jing Ming, Pu Can and Shen Mai acupuncture points. 
If  you want to compare the miracle between before and after massaging, try one side first. For example, complete the right hand side massage for the right Jing Ming, right Pu Can and right Shen Mai acupuncture points first.  After massaging the right side, normally your right eye will feel better and relief compare to the eye on your left hand side which haven't massage.

  • Find the correct position of the mentioned acupuncture points and place your fingers on it. 

  • Press the mentioned acupuncture points and gradually increase the power (you will feel a bit pain while pressing if you get the correct position of the acupuncture points) 
  • At least one minutes massage (clockwise motion) for each of the mentioned acupuncture point.

You will see the miracle after completing the massaging :))